Sunday, August 4, 2024

Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides.Human-like corpse creatures.

Let silence be your motto, until duty bids you to speak.'TALKING GIBBERISH.'Sir, we prefer the term "mentally challenged sex worker."House not for sale. 5 years for termination to stick. Wait for it. Expired, May 10, 2023.

Happy New Year everybody!Best of luck. Here’s a little inspiration for you.Head Counts, Winners, Sinners, Saints, Heads Up. They turn into frogs, and hop back to seas of more frogs.Good Tales: Lucky army are frogs in groups.

PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS EASIER TO SEE. Steven Jarrot,WELL HELLO. Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Battles And Guns, Shots To The Heart, Mouth, Faces Of Snakes In Grass.

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Gettin sick and ridin some doomsday dick? Media hype while i'm layin the pipe?Hands in the air, breezes to shot, sons to songs, one fine day.

  "Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!Quarantine and flick the bean?   Lockdown and choke the cockdown?  Cabin fever and ...