Friday, May 31, 2024

Hello. Good morning how is your day going ?You sound very familiar.... I'm Russell. 6266490550.

 Share their links. Talk to people about their company. Maybe even get them a gift if you're able to. All around just be supportive and kind. And if you're still unsure, never be afraid.

Ready, Set, Go, Off To The Races. MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.If you really want to help your friends with their business, buy their products. Promote them.


To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of chances taken to bring lights on these matters. Sad and blue about the lack of growth. Same stories, different dazes, life on the beach, in a dated RV alone. Sad for the frogs kissed for the chance to change, windows always open, to flip the coins to brighter dazes.

Witty, Wise, and Healthy, Coins Flipped Daily. Lions,Tigers,Bears;Oh My:Boys To Men:Over Decades.Man In Blue, Marines In Best Suit, Uncle Sam, thanks so much, G. I. Jose, military past and present. Since 1994, A Safe Haven Housing Assistance - Veteran Resources, Revamped.Round Worlds:

Just a moment, lost in time, love, luck, lessons, chick of the sixties in my guess, treats to trade, pictures to say so much. Have a nice day, and many more to come, earth angel for sure.Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over time, lots of hard knocks.


Do you ever have a dream over and over?In that recurring dream,is there a face you always see of a place you always go, even though you’ve never actually seen or been there in your waking hours?5. Everything but the kitchen sink .Best, good, better, Bailey Starlet Battles, Rites.That day I realized we can convincingly lie to ourselves and we'll believe it if we want. We'll believe that we're doing everything we can but are just victims of bad luck, circumstances, someone better, whatever. But, there are others who see and know the truth and you aren't kidding them for a second. Hello.    Good morning how is your day going ?You sound very familiar.... I'm Russell.  6266490550.

Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibilities.TO BE COMPLETED,WORK IN PROGRESS, MARCH 4TH. If that happened today he'd likely lose his job. That's too bad. Some of us need our heads stomped on. Hello.    Good morning how is your day going ?You sound very familiar.... I'm Russell.  6266490550.

You think I don't know you're quitting? You might have convinced yourself, and maybe even the rest of the team, but I know you're not even close to leaving everything out there. You're doing just enough to tell yourself it's ok to quit. If I had anyone else at your weight class, even if they couldn't beat you, I'd toss your ass out of here." I'm lying on the mat and as he was angrily walking away he took a stomped at my head but it was more of a glancing blow. Hello.    Good morning how is your day going ?You sound very familiar.... I'm Russell.  6266490550.

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Spruce Power.   Assholes On The Roof, Spruce Powers, Solar Panels, Not Santa Clause,Dicks. : "Fucking crazy, approach with vodka...   L...