What will change mankind is you, transforming yourself".Tin Cans .They don't call us Happiness Engineers for nothing. If you need help, we're here for you! We care about your happiness!Time is a wheel, and time does not stop for looks, charms or grasses: American Women. Veterans."
You sound like a person I could relate with. I'm down to runaway and do something unforgettable. I live on the edge already - like a rebel with a cause.
The world is crazy so don't worry about what anybody says about you. They’re all nuts
I already escaped the madness you might live in to join the real world. It’s awesome.
But I’m curious about your creative, intelligent, spiritual qualities and if you’re serious about stepping outside the box It feels good to be free.
Walk in confidence, not fear or cockiness. "Your ego is not your amigo" ~Tony Alva.What will change mankind is you, transforming yourself".Tin Cans .They don't call us Happiness Engineers for nothing. If you need help, we're here for you!
'Disney Eyeing Tom Hanks To Play Geppetto In Robert Zemeckis' 'Pinocchio' Justin Kroll .PDT TELL DADDY THAT UNCLE EPSTEIN KILLED HIMSELF'
'Disney Eyeing Tom Hanks To Play Geppetto In Robert Zemeckis' 'Pinocchio' Justin Kroll .PDT TELL DADDY THAT UNCLE EPSTEIN KILLED HIMSELF'.
So much to absorb here Delightful Dawn...still not on top of all of it but would not do to have you think I went ghost on you! As far as why I live where and how I do is actually a long sad tale of deceit from one I idolized all my life! Not bitter though I should be but such is life and I just gotta make the best of what I do have.
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